Astrology In Your Pocket Apps

Astrology In Your Pocket 2.1
Astrology, when interpreted properly, letsyouknow your future. But yes, astrology cannot forecast allactivities/ events in one’s life. However, if one has some faithorproclivity towards it can use them to know their shortcomingsandtake remedial measures and lead a prosperous life. Of course,oneshould not correlate all the events in his / her lives toastrologyand should strive to put in the efforts needed and usesome commonsense.In this app, we have given the Transit effects of thefast-movingplanets (Rahu, Ketu, Jupiter, and Saturn) and we will begivingpredictions only when such a planet undergoes a transition.Inaddition, we have also mentioned areas where you need topayattention to during the particular period. For example, wehavementioned that natives of particular Rasis might experiencesometemporary health problems. Therefore, you should try to be waryofthis and try to be proactive wherever the need arises.Finally, don’t get surprised if some events in your lifeveryclosely match those given in this app :) :)